Friday, December 11, 2009


China has the largest number of internet users in the world – 340 million, or roughly the population of the United States, so the censorship in china’s internet is much more important than other countries. This essay addresses the question of what the censorship affects china’s internet in terms of politics and democracy. This essay will first provide a review of background research, including definitions. Next, it will provide an analysis of secondary research,
focusing on the question of the
censorship in China’s internet. This paper will argue that should the Chinese government continue to build internet censorship, or bring more democracy into internet.

Internet censorship continues to be a significant issue for Chinese internet. For as long as there’s been an internet, china has sought to monitor and control how its citizens use it. That’s no small task in the world’s most populous country, which now has more web-surfers (James R, 2009). However, the internet censorship can be defined as the action of preventing material that a party considers objectionable from circulating within a system of communication over which that party has no power (Fallows J, 2008). Despite the Chinese internet censorship has been built for many years and people are gradually adapting it, Obama answered questions on internet censorship and Twitter in his (live streamed) talked to Chinese students, he said: ‘I have always been a strong supporter of open internet use. I am a big supporter of non-censorship. I recognise that different countries have different traditions’ (Townend J, 2009). This paper will now explore whether Chinese internet censorship will be much more democracy.

Foreign visitors in China frequently complain to me that they could not access certain websites during their stay in China (Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center). Indeed, certain news websites, websites related to certain religious organizations (most of them are illegal in China), as well as some pornographic websites are inaccessible from China. Internet censorship in china is among the most stringent in the world. Internet users in china sometimes browse Baidu’s Tieba and leaves comments to others’ article, but I have seen one that one person’s comment was cancelled by the supervisor of Tieba, because he talked about the things that relates to one politician. That’s strange in my own opinion, because we have the human right to talk about things that happen in the whole world everyday, if we have no right to talk about government event, how the government can get what the citizens are thinking about.

There is a software called Green Dam-Youth Escort, can filter out pornography and other ‘unhealthy information’ from the internet. It would allow the government to update computers with an ever-changing list of banned web sites (Internet Censorship in China, 2009). But this is a bad thing, assume it is just like downloading spyware onto your computer, but the government is the spy, said Charles Mok, Chairman of the Hong Kong chapter of the Internet Society, an international advisory group on Internet standards (Internet Censorship in China, 2009).

China defended its control of information on the internet that it deems sensitive or harmful, one day after the American President Barack Obama told students in Shanghai that information should be free (Fletcher O, 2009). Indeed, As China's burgeoning economy grows and with its admission in December 2001 to the World Trade Organization (WTO), foreign ownership, investment and involvement of foreign companies in China's information and telecommunications industries has soared. This growth is not without complications (Censorship in China).

As we know, the Beijing Olympic Games has successfully held in china, With the opening of the Beijing Olympic Games a mere 10 days away, members of the media have learned that there is at least one thing they can expect not to be open: the Internet (Musil S, 2008). During the Olympic Games, many foreign journalists complained about that they can not access to a multitude of sites such as Amnesty International or any site with Tibet in the address (Graham N, 2008). This is understandable, because China has 56 nationalities which is very hard to control all of them, so if one nationality wants to be apart from China and because the strength of the internet, china has to censor its internet to protect the whole country. One of a foreign internet users said that some hotels and other buildings in China cater to western visitors, the controls may be somewhat relaxed, but once he want to access his blog, he can not reach it (Marsan DC, 2008).

Should we rethink of the politics, and bring more democracy to China so that people can talk whatever they want to say, and the most important things is that citizens can give their creative thoughts for the government to build the country more beautiful and full of power whatever issues occur. Although I think democracy is important of human beings, the internet security is more important because the internet can bring everything that we can not imagine what will happen to people.

In conclusion, the research shows that the internet censorship in China is very strong and it is a very important issue. However, other findings, as they relate to the Chinese internet censorship are less positive but for the situation of China, that is understandable, because it is a large community that no other countries can compared with. Although the studies show that many foreigners complain about the internet censorship in China, china gives a more ‘clean’ internet space for its citizens.

Reference List

Censorship in China. (n.d.). Amnesty International USA, vol. 21 no. 3, pp. 29-34.

Fallows, J 2008, The Connection Has Been Reset, viewed 1 Dec 2009,

Fletcher, O 2009, ‘Censorship After Obama Lauds Openness’, China Daily, vol. 321 no. 17, pp. 34-37.

Graham, N 2008, Olympic Committee Admits Internet Censorship Deal With China, vol. 49 no. 2, pp87-90.

Internet Censorship in China, 2009, viewed 3 Dec 2009,

James, R 2009, A Brief History Of: Chinese Internet Censorship, viewed 1 Dec 2009,,8599,1885961,00.html.

Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center, (n.d.). Internet Censorship in China, viewed 1 Dec 2009,

Marsan, DC 2008, Chinese Internet Censorship: An inside look, China Daily, vol. 67 no. 7, pp. 99-102.

Musil, S 2008, Internet Censorship Plagues Journalists at Olympics, vol. 58 no, 9, pp. 154-159.

Townend, J 2009, Barack Obama On Twitter and Chinese Internet Censorship, viewed 3 Dec 2009,

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tutorial Task 10 - Media Tetrads

The old media television enhances the communication among people rather than radio, but it reverses the face-to-face communication, it retrieves the images and the speed of spread news, when there is no electricity, and it will be obsolesces.The new media mobile phone enhances the communication of telephone, but it reverses the lineate technology, it retrieves the convenience of our communication and it will be obsolesce when it lost signal in some place like mountain and subway.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Lecture 10 - invisible environment

This is our last lecture of new communication technology, teacher talked about the invisible environment and the ecology of media.
Everyone on the earth is around by environment, also does the media. In this modern age, more people begin to add their photos onto the internet, and post their own music video onto their blog or the website like Youtube. After a few days, they may receive many comments about their photos and music, and some talents start to pay attention to them, they find their address through their blog and promote their abilities to be a superstar, I have to say the internet actually gives us the most opportunities to communicate with each other and even other things in our solid world.
Finally, I want to thank my teacher and classmates to come along with me through this summer semester! :-D

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tutorial Task 9 - Catch Up Day ^_^

I am on the way of the essay, my topic is about politics and democracy.
Today is an interesting and exciting day cuz I like video games so this lecture fit my interests. Through this short semester, I begin to like media things, when I was a child, I began to touch TV, computer, newspaper and other kind of media things, this things make me happy and let me acknowledge many affairs that happen in the world everyday, today I am going to have a birthday party of my friend, so I am rush of time. Luckily, today is a catch up day, so see u tomorrow! @@@ :-D

Tutorial Task 8 - Examining some

The loading page and homepage of his website is interesting and has his style.
The first game is “I made this. you play this. we are enemies”. This game is very impressive because its sound and images, actually, I don’t this kind of things haha, but sometime when I am boring I like this one. It’s messy/abstract art game, digital poem based on popular website screen shots.
The second game is “ending eventually end” It is a series of short ficto-doomsday stories using with realtime countdowns to the end times with David Heckman. This game is better than the first in my favourite.The third game I played was the “stunningly harmful songs”, it is the brief curious video based songs/sound poems with flash animated backgrounds. There is 6 videos which are “heaven”, “Sebastopol”, “apples!”, “hunting”, “colonize”, “Dead!”. I don’t know what he’s doing, but impressive!

Tutorial Task 7 - Politics and the Internet

What opportunities can you find for political participation via the internet:How many of the following can you achieve while sticking to your political beliefs?
1. Sign an e-petition.
Signed an e-petition of protect the environment.

2. Respond to a professional blogger at a major news site.

3. What is Barak Obama up to today?
Last evening, Barack Obama took part in a decades-old presidential tradition: lighting the National Christmas Tree. “In times of war and peace, hardship and joy,” Obama said, “Americans from every corner of this nation have gathered here to share in the holiday spirit.”
Almost 10,000 people of all ages (including yours truly) gathered on the Ellipse just south of the White House to watch the celebration live last night.

4. Find out who your local, state and federal representatives are.
Gold Coast city Council: Representatives:" Gold Coast City Council is a Local Government Council - part of the third or lowest level of government in Australia, often seen as being the most accessible to the people.
State or Federal government representative."

5. Look up the Queensland or Australian hansard to find the last time your local member spoke in parliament.

Tutorial Task 6 - Essay Research

The question that interests me is “What are the uses/limits of the internet in terms of politics and/or democracy? Should we rethink the nature of the political? What happens to the nation/state in the age of networks that have the potential to span thewhole planet? What has happened to the idea of "community" in the age of networked digital media? Discuss with an example.”
I found some references that relate to this question:
1. The Internet and Political Transformation: Populism, Community, and Accelerated Pluralism
this artical is about the Internet has already acquired political significance, as increasing numbersof citizens use it to learn about government policies and actions, discussissues with one another, contact elected officials, and obtain voter registrationmaterials and other information that can facilitate more active participation inpolitics.
2. Cyberpolitics: Citizen Activism in the Age of the Internet
this artical is about "Cyberpolitics" goes beyond the hype to analyze the content of political discussion on the Internet and to see how the Internet is being used politically.
3. Technological Empowerment: The Internet, State, and Society in China
this artical argues that the Internet has brought about new dynamics of socio-political changes in China, and that state power and social forces are transforming in Internet-mediated public space.
4. The Internet, Public Spheres, and PoliticalCommunication: Dispersion and Deliberation,%20public%20spheres,%20political%20communication.pdf
this artical is about the theme of the Internet and the public sphere now has a permanent place onresearch agendas and in intellectual inquiry; it is entering the mainstream of politicalcommunication studies.
5. Assessing the Potential of Internet Political Participation in the United States
this artical focus on access has important theoretical limitations.

Lecture 9 - Networked Creativity

Today, our guest speaker Jason Nelson talked about the creativity of internet.
Firstly, I have to say his lecture was very active but we were very quiet T-T (cry). He introduces the creativity of the internet and we began to know that the internet creativity are crazy :-D. Google map can lead us to the destination which we want to go and always have much information about that place, such as cate, transportation, weather and so on, they are all provided by people online. Google earth is the upgraded edition of the google map I think, because it can give us the 3D image and even the dynamic images to know more about the destination that we want to go. There is also one thing that interests me is put one person’s name on the internet, it comes up some basic information about that person.
The most thing that surprised me is he create many small flash games, although I can not understand most of his creativity, I know his creative ability is good, I also wanted to create a flash game by myself but no time, but I will try next time.

Lecture 8 - Being a Digital Citizen

To be a digital citizen is not a big issue in this modern age.
Today’s lecture talked about censorship and filesharing. Government are going to censor the internet, after that, we will not see the words that against the government. When there is one thing appears on the internet, the government will censor it can decide whether it is going to remain or cancel. I think it is good because there will have no anti-government thing affect the government and us so that we can have a peaceful world.
The lecture also mentioned the filesharing, the filesharing relates to the copyright in some way, for example, a book which has published have the copyright, it means that no one other than the author him/herself can copy the content from the book without the author’s permission, the internet is also like this. There is one part I want to mention is the Hacker, the hacker uses other people’s work without their permission.Therefore, the copyright and hacker become big issue in contemporary.

Lecture 7 - Political Possibilities

Today’s lecture was about internet politics.
Most of the contemporary political issues have relations to the internet more or less. The most obvious alternative to representative democracy is participatory or direct democracy, based on the ancient Greek model where all citizens have a right and a duty to be involved in all decisions made.
Internet gives people the chance to choose which one they like, it is pretty democracy, and it is called e-democracy as well, it means the internet's intervention in and contribution to real world politics that exists predominantly off the internet. Voting who is the next president in a country, the internet is a very powerful tool to decide it, because the citizens of the country have the right to vote and the internet media give them the opportunity.
Well, the internet and politics nowadays can not be apart from each other, we need them to let our world more fair and beautiful.